This morning I had a feeling that we might have more guests than we expected this afternoon, for Julien's birthday 'APERO' , then checking my recipes books, I found the recipes of Marbré Chocolat-Vanille which is easy to make and the good thing is I have all the ingredients with me.
It took me about 1 hour since the preparation until it's cooked. The recipe is very easy, all you need is 175 grams of butter, 175 grams of powdered sugar, 3 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 225 grams all purpose flour, 50 grams chocolate noir (melted). First heat the oven for 190°C. Then, mix the butter and sugar until you have a soft white creamy mixture. Add the vanilla extract and one egg each time, mix well. Add the flour spoon by spoon, mix well. Separate the mixture into 2 parts, mix the first part of the mixture with the melted chocolate, mix well. Line the 12-muffin tins with paper cup, filled 1/2 of the paper cups with the white mixture and topped with the chocolate mixture. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or when the toothpick come out clean.
I let them cool on the plate and think to take some pictures of them before served to the guest. If you check the image aside, you might see a greyish shadown behind the cakes came closer. Yes, my son came to attack my cake lol....he waited in f
ront of the oven since I put those cupcakes to bake, and once those cakes came into his reach distance,then, voila...he got one.