Just read news regarding a plot to kill Senator Obama on the Washingtonpost. You may find the complete story of this news on this link : http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/27/AR2008102701823.html
Awhile ago, I wrote about the possibility that Senator Obama could be killed as he moving forward with his presidency, and today, I saw more and more sign of that chance to be realized by those racist and maniac American.
I never believe that all American is racist free. Some of them are still so racist and judged people by their skin-color, origin, culture, etc. But are these irreasonable aspects really has to be passed to some other people? I mean, if you don't like something that's your personal problem, you don't need to force or makes everyone support your idea.
Americans condemned the action of the Islamist Fanatic when they tried to target any US's interests or Diplomats, but when we look into the detail, those fanatics are also like those racists American who try to attack others who they thought don't have same idealogy, class, whatever is that.
Come on, let it be a clear and fair election. No more smears, no more lies, and no more dangers attack. The most important thing you can do is go out and vote on November 4th, don't listen to those robocall, campaign flyers, but...listen to your heart, it's only you who know who is the best fit for you.