Tell me if I was crazy...I woke up at 4 AM this morning , thanks to my cellphone's wake up alarm, or precisely 10 PM EST when Barack Obama started his big speech. When I went to bed, it was about midnight in Switzerland or 6 PM EST, I saw the Invesco Field only...what...half-full, but then I tell myself, ' I will still wake up to see what Obama can say about his change'. But still, I think he's gambling too much, what kind of mess he will create if those other half can't be filled by the time he has to start his talk.
4 AM - my cellphone bipped but CNN already on since I came to the room before midnight, I know it's a waste of energy, but I really can't sleep without my CNN. Normally Julien will turned it off for me when he found I already fast asleep, but especially for tonight, he is forbidden from touching or trying to take the remote control away from me LOL
Back to Invesco the time I woke up, the half-empty studio now is filled with people, according to the reporter almost 80,000 or more people there, not counting million of American watching TV, hundreds listening at New York's Time Square, and of course eager international audience a.k.a me LOL
The begining of the speech, I am listening....but the mid-end of the speech that made me want to cry, scream, it seemed like I heared Martin Luther King Jr. redo his 'I HAVE DREAMS' speech on the DNC. Really touchy. You may think I go abit overboard for Barack Obama, or exagurate things to make this post seems more enjoyable to read....but at least, that's what I felt by that moment. All of sudden I felt with hope, I know it won't be easy task for him, there should be tons of things to be done, lots of sacrifaction to be made, perhaps he will make more enemies than he had ever anticipated, but for the sake of the changes that will make life of majority people who suffers during the selfish policies of current adminstrations, I don't see why not we give a try.
Many critics saying that he sold promise in his speech, I said he asked people to make those dreams come true by the power of their own and with the help of his administration, assuming he won the election. He said that, government is there to help the people in general, but government can't help each individual in their own mean.
We need to dream, but after the dream we need to figure out how to make that dream comes true. That's exactly the message I got from Barack Obama's speech last night and I totally agree with that. When we stop dreaming, it's the end of our days. But only dreaming without ever thinking how to realize it is also nonesense. With Barack Obama's spirit, I feel that the Dream of MLK is reviving. The Dream still there, it's not dead yet....and it's time to try to realize that dream to be a reality.